
This page is still under development.

To advance open science and reproducibility, it is important to share and archive your code in addition to your data. If you archive your code in a repository that provides a digital object identifier (DOI), it will also be easier to cite your code and get credit for it.

That’s where Zenodo can help. Researchers can deposit research outputs such as preprints, posters, datasets, and images in Zenodo. Built by CERN, and stored in the CERN Data Centre, researchers can feel assured that their data and code are being preserved in a safe and trusted repository. Most importantly, if you manage your code in GitHub, you can simply archive your GitHub repos in Zenodo.

You can even connect your GitHub account to Zenodo to make archiving releases easier. By providing some metadata about the code, you can generate a DOI so that you can share it with other researchers and cite the exact release in your papers. For more detailed instructions, please consult this GitHub Guide on Making Your Code Citable.