CrossRef API#
Searching for scientific articles using an API (application programming interface) allows you to extract data from publisher platforms and databases. With an API, you can create programmatic searches of a citation database, extract statistical data, or query and manipulate your results within a Notebook.
In this module, we will learn to use the Crossref API to search for and analyze scientific articles.
What is Crossref?#
Crossref is a non-profit organization that helps to provides access to scientific literature. Crossref “makes research outputs easy to find, cite, link, and assess” (
Crossref data on scientific publications essentially consists of three elements:
1) Metadata about a publication
2) A URL link to the article
3) A document identifier (doi)
At present Crossref contains information on 80 million scientific publications including articles, books and book chapters.
Installing Packages#
First we will install packages that will be useful to us as we explore the Crossref API. When importing a package into Jupyter Notebook, we use the command pip install ...
to download a package into Jupyter Notebook.
We then use the command import (package name)
to use our new package in our code.
# just run this cell
!pip install habanero
#To use Crossref API in Python, we need to import the habanero package
import habanero
from habanero import Crossref
from collections import Counter # for easy counting
import ast # for string to dictionary conversion
import pandas as pd # for data manipulation
import numpy as np # for array manipulation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for data visualization
%matplotlib inline
Show code cell output
Requirement already satisfied: habanero in /opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages (0.7.4)
Requirement already satisfied: requests>=2.7.0 in /opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from habanero) (2.22.0)
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in /opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from habanero) (4.42.1)
Requirement already satisfied: chardet<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 in /opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from requests>=2.7.0->habanero) (3.0.4)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<2.9,>=2.5 in /opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from requests>=2.7.0->habanero) (2.8)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from requests>=2.7.0->habanero) (2019.11.28)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3!=1.25.0,!=1.25.1,<1.26,>=1.21.1 in /opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from requests>=2.7.0->habanero) (1.25.8)
WARNING: You are using pip version 20.3.1; however, version 21.1.2 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the '/opt/anaconda3/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
Analysis using Crossref API#
In the sections below, we will walk through the basics of Crossref.
Data can be accessed using the python packages habanero
, crossrefapi
, and crossref-commons
installed above. In this
, we’ll be focusing on the functionality of the habanero package.
Exploring a Crossref query#
In the cells below, we walk through using Crossref and exploring the data it gives us. To create an object that takes on the Crossref identity, we assign it to the variable cr
cr = Crossref() # create a crossref object
The main function we will use is called
. This function takes in a query name. As an example, we’ll use the search term “permafrost”.
In order to save this output, we’ll assign it to the variable name permafrost
# query for the term "permafrost"
permafrost = = "permafrost")
If we inspect permafrost
, we can see that it is a dictionary. A dictionary is a type of data structure that is indexed by keys.
In the cell below, try creating your own query for a different search term. Make sure to save it to a variable! For now, limit your search term to a single word.
query1 = = "your query")
Keys, Indexes, Metadata#
A dictionary contains key-value pairs, and we can access the values by calling on the keys. In our permafrost
dictionary, we can inspect the keys and take a look at the values that it contains.
['status', 'message-type', 'message-version', 'message']
Above, we can see that there are 4 different keys in our permafrost
dictionary. We will focus on the values for the message key. In the cell below, we are accessing the values by indexing into the dictionary by the given keys.
{'facets': {},
'total-results': 8218,
'items': [{'indexed': {'date-parts': [[2020, 4, 15]],
'date-time': '2020-04-15T02:44:23Z',
'timestamp': 1586918663309},
'reference-count': 18,
'publisher': 'Wiley',
'issue': '2',
'license': [{'URL': '',
'start': {'date-parts': [[2015, 9, 1]],
'date-time': '2015-09-01T00:00:00Z',
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'delay-in-days': 1911,
'content-version': 'tdm'}],
'content-domain': {'domain': [], 'crossmark-restriction': False},
'short-container-title': ['Permafrost Periglac. Process.'],
'DOI': '10.1002/ppp.695',
'type': 'journal-article',
'created': {'date-parts': [[2010, 6, 8]],
'date-time': '2010-06-08T11:53:41Z',
'timestamp': 1275998021000},
'page': '215-218',
'source': 'Crossref',
'is-referenced-by-count': 5,
'title': ['Report from the international permafrost association: the IPY permafrost legacy'],
'prefix': '10.1002',
'volume': '21',
'author': [{'given': 'Jerry',
'family': 'Brown',
'sequence': 'first',
'affiliation': []}],
'member': '311',
'published-online': {'date-parts': [[2010, 6, 8]]},
'reference': [{'key': '10.1002/ppp.695-BIB1|cit1',
'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref',
'first-page': '463',
'DOI': '10.1111/j.1467-8306.1983.tb01853.x',
'article-title': 'Geographical aspects of the First International Polar Year',
'volume': '73',
'author': 'Barr',
'year': '1983',
'journal-title': 'Annals of the Association of American Geographers'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.695-BIB2|cit2',
'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref',
'first-page': '417',
'DOI': '10.1002/ppp.668',
'article-title': 'Report from the International Permafrost Association: the Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN)',
'volume': '20',
'author': 'Bonnaventure',
'year': '2009',
'journal-title': 'Permafrost and Periglacial Processes'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.695-BIB3|cit3',
'unstructured': 'Brown J 2004 The Thermal State of Permafrost: An IPA Contribution to the International Polar Year and Year of Planet Earth Frozen Ground The News Bulletin of the IPA 3 5'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.695-BIB4|cit4',
'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref',
'first-page': '255',
'DOI': '10.1002/ppp.618',
'article-title': 'Report from the International Permafrost Association: State of Permafrost in the First Decade of the 21st Century',
'volume': '19',
'author': 'Brown',
'year': '2008',
'journal-title': 'Permafrost and Periglacial Processes'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.695-BIB5|cit5',
'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref',
'first-page': '393',
'DOI': '10.1002/ppp.632',
'article-title': 'Report from the International Permafrost Association: Ninth International Conference on Permafrost and IPA Council Meetings',
'volume': '19',
'author': 'Brown',
'year': '2008a',
'journal-title': 'Permafrost and Periglacial Processes'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.695-BIB6|cit6',
'author': 'Brown',
'first-page': '199',
'year': '2008b',
'volume-title': 'Proceedings, Ninth International Conference on Permafrost'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.695-BIB7|cit7',
'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref',
'first-page': '209',
'DOI': '10.1002/ppp.590',
'article-title': 'Report from the International Permafrost Association: Education and outreach for the International Polar Year',
'volume': '18',
'author': 'Christiansen',
'year': '2007',
'journal-title': 'Permafrost and Periglacial Processes'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.695-BIB8|cit8',
'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref',
'first-page': '27',
'DOI': '10.5194/essdd-3-27-2010',
'article-title': 'NORPERM, the Norwegian Permafrost Database - a TSP NORWAY IPY legacy',
'volume': '3',
'author': 'Juliussen',
'year': '2010',
'journal-title': 'Earth System Science Data Discussions'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.695-BIB9|cit9',
'year': '2008',
'volume-title': 'Proceedings, Ninth International Conference on Permafrost'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.695-BIB10|cit10',
'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref',
'first-page': '229',
'DOI': '10.1002/ppp.648',
'article-title': 'Report from the International Permafrost Association: Carbon pools in permafrost regions',
'volume': '20',
'author': 'Kuhry',
'year': '2009',
'journal-title': 'Permafrost and Periglacial Processes'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.695-BIB11|cit11',
'unstructured': 'Overduin PP Couture N 2007 The 6 th ACD Workshop, 22-26 October 2006, University of Groningen, Netherlands Reports on Polar and Marine Research 100'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.695-BIB12|cit12',
'unstructured': 'Parsons MA Smith S Christiansen H 2007 Building the IPA-IPY Data Legacy: An Editorial Frozen Ground'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.695-BIB13|cit13',
'author': 'Ray',
'first-page': '695pp',
'year': '1885',
'volume-title': 'Report of the International Polar Expedition to Point Barrow, Alaska'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.695-BIB14|cit14',
'author': 'Romanovsky',
'first-page': '181',
'year': '2007',
'volume-title': 'Global Outlook for Ice and Snow'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.695-BIB15|cit15',
'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref',
'first-page': 'GB2023',
'DOI': '10.1029/2008GB003327',
'article-title': 'Soil organic carbon pools in the northern circumpolar permafrost region',
'volume': '23',
'author': 'Tarnocai',
'year': '2009',
'journal-title': 'Global Geochemical Cycles'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.695-BIB16|cit16',
'author': 'Vonder Muhll',
'first-page': '1869',
'year': '2008',
'volume-title': 'Proceedings, Ninth International Conference on Permafrost'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.695-BIB17|cit17',
'author': 'Wood',
'first-page': '1957',
'year': '2008',
'volume-title': 'Proceedings, Ninth International Conference on Permafrost'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.695-BIB18|cit18',
'first-page': '14',
'article-title': 'Circumpolar permafrost monitoring program',
'volume': '27',
'author': 'Yoshikawa',
'year': '2008',
'journal-title': 'Earth Scientist'}],
'container-title': ['Permafrost and Periglacial Processes'],
'language': 'en',
'link': [{'URL': '',
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'deposited': {'date-parts': [[2019, 3, 1]],
'date-time': '2019-03-01T04:55:09Z',
'timestamp': 1551416109000},
'score': 16.389135,
'issued': {'date-parts': [[2010, 6, 8]]},
'references-count': 18,
'journal-issue': {'issue': '2'},
'URL': '',
'relation': {'cites': []},
'ISSN': ['1045-6740', '1099-1530'],
'issn-type': [{'value': '1045-6740', 'type': 'print'},
{'value': '1099-1530', 'type': 'electronic'}],
'subject': ['Earth-Surface Processes']},
{'indexed': {'date-parts': [[2020, 6, 9]],
'date-time': '2020-06-09T16:12:27Z',
'timestamp': 1591719147608},
'publisher-location': 'Cham',
'reference-count': 308,
'publisher': 'Springer International Publishing',
'isbn-type': [{'value': '9783030313784', 'type': 'print'},
{'value': '9783030313791', 'type': 'electronic'}],
'license': [{'URL': '',
'start': {'date-parts': [[2020, 1, 1]],
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'content-version': 'tdm'}],
'content-domain': {'domain': [''],
'crossmark-restriction': False},
'published-print': {'date-parts': [[2020]]},
'DOI': '10.1007/978-3-030-31379-1_5',
'type': 'book-chapter',
'created': {'date-parts': [[2020, 1, 1]],
'date-time': '2020-01-01T12:02:46Z',
'timestamp': 1577880166000},
'page': '275-366',
'update-policy': '',
'source': 'Crossref',
'is-referenced-by-count': 0,
'title': ['Permafrost in Transition'],
'prefix': '10.1007',
'author': [{'given': 'J.',
'family': 'van Huissteden',
'sequence': 'first',
'affiliation': []}],
'member': '297',
'published-online': {'date-parts': [[2020, 1, 2]]},
'reference': [{'issue': '12',
'key': '5_CR1',
'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref',
'first-page': '4570',
'DOI': '10.1111/gcb.13069',
'volume': '21',
'author': 'BW Abbott',
'year': '2015',
'unstructured': 'Abbott BW, Jones JB (2015) Permafrost collapse alters soil carbon stocks, respiration, CH4, and N2O in upland tundra. Glob Chang Biol 21(12):4570–4587',
'journal-title': 'Glob Chang Biol'},
{'issue': '2',
'key': '5_CR2',
'doi-asserted-by': 'publisher',
'DOI': '10.1029/2011GB004237',
'volume': '26',
'author': 'A Abnizova',
'year': '2012',
'unstructured': 'Abnizova A, Siemens J, Langer M, Boike J (2012) Small ponds with major impact: the relevance of ponds and lakes in permafrost landscapes to carbon dioxide emissions. Glob Biogeochem Cycles 26(2):GB2041. \n',
'journal-title': 'Glob Biogeochem Cycles'},
{'issue': '1–4',
'key': '5_CR3',
'doi-asserted-by': 'publisher',
'first-page': '183',
'DOI': '10.1016/j.palaeo.2004.02.024',
'volume': '209',
'author': 'L Agafonov',
'year': '2004',
'unstructured': 'Agafonov L, Strunk H, Nuber T (2004) Thermokarst dynamics in Western Siberia: insights from dendrochronological research. Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol 209(1–4):183–196',
'journal-title': 'Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol'},
{'issue': '3',
'key': '5_CR4',
'doi-asserted-by': 'publisher',
'first-page': '279',
'DOI': '10.1002/ppp.626',
'volume': '19',
'author': 'HJ Åkerman',
'year': '2008',
'unstructured': 'Åkerman HJ, Johansson M (2008) Thawing permafrost and thicker active layers in sub-arctic Sweden. Permafr Periglac Process 19(3):279–292',
'journal-title': 'Permafr Periglac Process'},
{'issue': '15',
'key': '5_CR5',
'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref',
'first-page': '2422',
'DOI': '10.1002/hyp.8019',
'volume': '25',
'author': 'CD Arp',
'year': '2011',
'unstructured': 'Arp CD, Jones BM, Urban FE, Grosse G (2011) Hydrogeomorphic processes of thermokarst lakes with grounded-ice and floating-ice regimes on the Arctic coastal plain, Alaska. Hydrol Process 25(15):2422–2438',
'journal-title': 'Hydrol Process'},
{'issue': '16',
'key': '5_CR6',
'doi-asserted-by': 'publisher',
'DOI': '10.1029/2012GL052518',
'volume': '39',
'author': 'CD Arp',
'year': '2012',
'unstructured': 'Arp CD, Jones BM, Lu Z, Whitman MS (2012) Shifting balance of thermokarst lake ice regimes across the Arctic coastal plain of northern Alaska. Geophys Res Lett 39(16):L16503. \n',
'journal-title': 'Geophys Res Lett'},
{'issue': '12',
'key': '5_CR7',
'doi-asserted-by': 'publisher',
'first-page': '6358',
'DOI': '10.1002/2016GL068506',
'volume': '43',
'author': 'CD Arp',
'year': '2016',
'unstructured': 'Arp CD, Jones BM, Grosse G, Bondurant AC, Romanovsky VE, Hinkel KM, Parsekian AD (2016) Threshold sensitivity of shallow Arctic lakes and sublake permafrost to changing winter climate. Geophys Res Lett 43(12):6358–6365',
'journal-title': 'Geophys Res Lett'},
{'issue': '11',
'key': '5_CR8',
'doi-asserted-by': 'publisher',
'first-page': '3341',
'DOI': '10.5194/bg-8-3341-2011',
'volume': '8',
'author': 'S Audry',
'year': '2011',
'unstructured': 'Audry S, Pokrovsky O, Shirokova L, Kirpotin S, Dupré B (2011) Organic matter mineralization and trace element post-depositional redistribution in Western Siberia thermokarst lake sediments. Biogeosciences 8(11):3341–3358',
'journal-title': 'Biogeosciences'},
{'issue': '7',
'key': '5_CR9',
'doi-asserted-by': 'publisher',
'first-page': '444',
'DOI': '10.1038/ngeo1160',
'volume': '4',
'author': 'CA Avis',
'year': '2011',
'unstructured': 'Avis CA, Weaver AJ, Meissner KJ (2011) Reduction in areal extent of high-latitude wetlands in response to permafrost thaw. Nat Geosci 4(7):444',
'journal-title': 'Nat Geosci'},
{'issue': '9',
'key': '5_CR10',
'doi-asserted-by': 'publisher',
'first-page': '598',
'DOI': '10.1038/ngeo618',
'volume': '2',
'author': 'TJ Battin',
'year': '2009',
'unstructured': 'Battin TJ, Luyssaert S, Kaplan LA, Aufdenkampe AK, Richter A, Tranvik LJ (2009) The boundless carbon cycle. Nat Geosci 2(9):598',
'journal-title': 'Nat Geosci'},
{'issue': '5',
'key': '5_CR11',
'doi-asserted-by': 'publisher',
'DOI': '10.1029/2003GL019251',
'volume': '31',
'author': 'R Benner',
'year': '2004',
'unstructured': 'Benner R, Benitez-Nelson B, Kaiser K, Amon RM (2004) Export of young terrigenous dissolved organic carbon from rivers to the Arctic Ocean. Geophys Res Lett 31(5):L05305. \n',
'journal-title': 'Geophys Res Lett'},
{'issue': '22',
'key': '5_CR12',
'doi-asserted-by': 'publisher',
'DOI': '10.1029/2009GL039225',
'volume': '36',
'author': 'V Bense',
'year': '2009',
'unstructured': 'Bense V, Ferguson G, Kooi H (2009) Evolution of shallow groundwater flow systems in areas of degrading permafrost. Geophys Res Lett 36(22):L22041. \n',
'journal-title': 'Geophys Res Lett'},
{'issue': '21',
'key': '5_CR13',
'doi-asserted-by': 'publisher',
'first-page': 'n/a-n/a',
'DOI': '10.1029/2004GL021277',
'volume': '31',
'author': 'Svetlana Berezovskaya',
'year': '2004',
'unstructured': 'Berezovskaya S, Yang D, Kane DL (2004) Compatibility analysis of precipitation and runoff trends over the large Siberian watersheds. Geophys Res Lett 31(21):L21502. \n',
'journal-title': 'Geophysical Research Letters'},
{'issue': '7501',
'key': '5_CR14',
'doi-asserted-by': 'publisher',
'first-page': '479',
'DOI': '10.1038/nature13259',
'volume': '509',
'author': 'R Bintanja',
'year': '2014',
'unstructured': 'Bintanja R, Selten F (2014) Future increases in Arctic precipitation linked to local evaporation and sea-ice retreat. Nature 509(7501):479–483',
'journal-title': 'Nature'},
{'issue': '3',
'key': '5_CR15',
'doi-asserted-by': 'publisher',
'first-page': '160',
'DOI': '10.1002/ppp.1769',
'volume': '24',
'author': 'BK Biskaborn',
'year': '2013',
'unstructured': 'Biskaborn BK, Herzschuh U, Bolshiyanov DY, Schwamborn G, Diekmann B (2013) Thermokarst processes and depositional events in a tundra lake, northeastern Siberia. Permafr Periglac Process 24(3):160–174',
'journal-title': 'Permafr Periglac Process'},
{'issue': '1',
'key': '5_CR16',
'doi-asserted-by': 'publisher',
'first-page': '264',
'DOI': '10.1038/s41467-018-08240-4',
'volume': '10',
'author': 'BK Biskaborn',
'year': '2019',
'unstructured': 'Biskaborn BK, Smith SL, Noetzli J, Matthes H, Vieira G, Streletskiy DA, Schoeneich P, Romanovsky VE, Lewkowicz AG, Abramov A (2019) Permafrost is warming at a global scale. Nat Commun 10(1):264',
'journal-title': 'Nat Commun'},
{'issue': '4',
'key': '5_CR17',
'doi-asserted-by': 'publisher',
'first-page': '1296',
'DOI': '10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.02110.x',
'volume': '16',
'author': 'D Blok',
'year': '2010',
'unstructured': 'Blok D, Heijmans MM, Schaepman-Strub G, Kononov A, Maximov T, Berendse F (2010) Shrub expansion may reduce summer permafrost thaw in Siberian tundra. Glob Chang Biol 16(4):1296–1305',
'journal-title': 'Glob Chang Biol'},
{'issue': '7',
'key': '5_CR18',
'doi-asserted-by': 'publisher',
'first-page': '1055',
'DOI': '10.1007/s10021-011-9463-5',
'volume': '14',
'author': 'D Blok',
'year': '2011',
'unstructured': 'Blok D, Heijmans MMPD, Schaepman-Strub G, van Ruijven J, Parmentier FJW, Maximov TC, Berendse F (2011) The cooling capacity of mosses: controls on water and energy fluxes in a Siberian tundra site. Ecosystems 14(7):1055–1065. \n',
'journal-title': 'Ecosystems'},
{'key': '5_CR19',
'unstructured': 'Boike J, Wille C, Abnizova A (2008) Climatology and summer energy and water balance of polygonal tundra in the Lena River Delta, Siberia. J Geophys Res 113(G3). \n',
'DOI': '10.1029/2007jg000540',
'doi-asserted-by': 'publisher'},
{'issue': '20',
'key': '5_CR20',
'doi-asserted-by': 'publisher',
'first-page': '5941',
'DOI': '10.5194/bg-12-5941-2015',
'volume': '12',
'author': 'J Boike',
'year': '2015',
'unstructured': 'Boike J, Georgi C, Kirilin G, Muster S, Abramova K, Fedorova I, Chetverova A, Grigoriev M, Bornemann N, Langer M (2015) Thermal processes of thermokarst lakes in the continuous permafrost zone of northern Siberia\xa0– observations and modeling (Lena River Delta, Siberia). Biogeosciences 12(20):5941–5965. \n',
'journal-title': 'Biogeosciences'},
{'key': '5_CR21',
'doi-asserted-by': 'publisher',
'first-page': '116',
'DOI': '10.1016/j.gloplacha.2016.01.001',
'volume': '139',
'author': 'J Boike',
'year': '2016',
'unstructured': 'Boike J, Grau T, Heim B, Günther F, Langer M, Muster S, Gouttevin I, Lange S (2016) Satellite-derived changes in the permafrost landscape of central Yakutia, 2000–2011: wetting, drying, and fires. Glob Planet Chang 139:116–127',
'journal-title': 'Glob Planet Chang'},
{'issue': '1',
'key': '5_CR22',
'doi-asserted-by': 'publisher',
'first-page': '1',
'DOI': '10.5194/tc-11-1-2017',
'volume': '11',
'author': 'AF Borge',
'year': '2017',
'unstructured': 'Borge AF, Westermann S, Solheim I, Etzelmüller B (2017) Strong degradation of palsas and peat plateaus in northern Norway during the last 60 years. Cryosphere 11(1):1–16. \n',
'journal-title': 'Cryosphere'},
{'issue': '7',
'key': '5_CR23',
'doi-asserted-by': 'publisher',
'DOI': '10.1029/2010WR010131',
'volume': '47',
'author': 'É Boucher',
'year': '2011',
'unstructured': 'Boucher É, Ouarda TB, Bégin Y, Nicault A (2011) Spring flood reconstruction from continuous and discrete tree ring series. Water Resour Res 47(7):W07516. \n',
'journal-title': 'Water Resour Res'},
{'issue': '2',
'key': '5_CR24',
'doi-asserted-by': 'publisher',
'first-page': '276',
'DOI': '10.1175/2009JHM1084.1',
'volume': '11',
'author': 'LC Bowling',
'year': '2010',
'unstructured': 'Bowling LC, Lettenmaier DP (2010) Modeling the effects of lakes and wetlands on the water balance of Arctic environments. J Hydrometeorol 11(2):276–295',
'journal-title': 'J Hydrometeorol'},
{'issue': '10',
'key': '5_CR25',
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'year': '2011',
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{'key': '5_CR93',
'unstructured': 'Hopkins D, Kidd J (1988) Thaw lake sediments and sedimentary environments. In: Proceedings of the 5th international permafrost conference, pp 790–795'},
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'journal-title': 'J Geophys Res Biogeo'},
{'issue': '4',
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'unstructured': 'Kokelj S, Jenkins R, Milburn D, Burn C, Snow N (2005) The influence of thermokarst disturbance on the water quality of small upland lakes, Mackenzie Delta region, Northwest Territories, Canada. Permafr Periglac Process 16(4):343–353',
'journal-title': 'Permafr Periglac Process'},
{'issue': '2',
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'unstructured': 'Kokelj SV, Lantz TC, Kanigan J, Smith S, Coutts R (2009) Origin and polycyclic behaviour of tundra thaw slumps, Mackenzie Delta region, Northwest Territories, Canada. Permafr Periglac Process 20(2):173–184',
'journal-title': 'Permafr Periglac Process'},
{'issue': '4',
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{'issue': '14',
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'journal-title': 'Biogeosciences'},
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'journal-title': 'Permafr Periglac Process'},
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{'key': '5_CR172',
'unstructured': 'McGuire AD, Lawrence DM, Koven C, Clein JS, Burke E, Chen G, Jafarov E, MacDougall AH, Marchenko S, Nicolsky D (2018) Dependence of the evolution of carbon dynamics in the northern permafrost region on the trajectory of climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences:201719903',
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{'key': '5_CR187',
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'unstructured': '1985. Electromagnetic induction measurements in permafrost terrain for detecting ground ice and ice-rich soils. UAG R-300. Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska: Fairbanks, AK.'},
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'volume-title': 'Proceedings of the Conference on the Potential Effects of Carbon Dioxide Induced Climatic Change in Alaska, April 7-8, 1982, Miscellaneous Publication 83-1'},
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'unstructured': '1982. Geologic hazards of the Fairbanks area, Alaska. Special Report 15. Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, College, Alaska.'},
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'unstructured': '2001. Response of the active layer and permafrost temperatures to warming during 1998 in the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories and at Canadian Forces Station Alert and Baker Lake, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research, 2001-E5.'},
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'unstructured': ', , . 2003. Frozen ground deformation monitoring using SAR interferometry. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. vol. 4, 2933–2935.'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.619-BIB183',
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'unstructured': '. 1999. Detection of winter frost heaving of the active layer of Arctic permafrost using SAR differential interferograms. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. vol. 4, 1946–1948.'},
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'unstructured': '(1973) Climate of Central Yakutia (in Russian). Yakutknogoizdat, Yakutsk, 120 pp.',
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'unstructured': '(1978). Climate and Perennial Freezing of Rocks (in Russian). Nauka, Novosibirsk, 214 pp.',
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'unstructured': 'and (1978). An approach to the ecology of permafrost in Central Iceland. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Permafrost, 10–13 July 1978, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. NRC, Ottawa. Vol. 1, pp. 473–479.'},
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'unstructured': 'and (1966). Present Climatic Changes (in Russian). Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, 268 pp.',
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'unstructured': '(1980). Introduction to Palaeoclimatic Studies (in Russian). 2nd edn, Nedra, Leningrad, 248 pp.',
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'unstructured': '(1980). Geology and geophysics of glaciations. In Ismenenie klimata (Russian translation from English). Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, pp. 16–44.',
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'unstructured': '(1973). Natural Processes in the Pleistocene (in Russian). Nauka, Moscow, 256 pp.',
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This dictionary is nested, meaning that we can have keys that lead to values which are more dictionaries. It seems like the message
contains most of the information we’re interested in. Below, take a look at the keys of the message
component of the permafrost
list(permafrost['message'].keys()) # keys of the permafrost message dictionary
['facets', 'total-results', 'items', 'items-per-page', 'query']
Just as we did before, we can inspect what information is contained for different keys of the dictionary. Let’s focus on total results first.
# This tells us the total number of results from our query
permafrost['message']['items-per-page'] # tells us how many items per page
permafrost['message']['query'] # details about our query
{'start-index': 0, 'search-terms': 'permafrost'}
permafrost['message']['items'] # the items of our query
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'journal-title': 'Annals of the Association of American Geographers'},
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'journal-title': 'Permafrost and Periglacial Processes'},
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'unstructured': 'Brown J 2004 The Thermal State of Permafrost: An IPA Contribution to the International Polar Year and Year of Planet Earth Frozen Ground The News Bulletin of the IPA 3 5'},
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{'key': '10.1002/ppp.695-BIB6|cit6',
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'journal-title': 'Permafrost and Periglacial Processes'},
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'journal-title': 'Earth System Science Data Discussions'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.695-BIB9|cit9',
'year': '2008',
'volume-title': 'Proceedings, Ninth International Conference on Permafrost'},
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'article-title': 'Report from the International Permafrost Association: Carbon pools in permafrost regions',
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'journal-title': 'Permafrost and Periglacial Processes'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.695-BIB11|cit11',
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'member': '297',
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'unstructured': 'Abbott BW, Jones JB (2015) Permafrost collapse alters soil carbon stocks, respiration, CH4, and N2O in upland tundra. Glob Chang Biol 21(12):4570–4587',
'journal-title': 'Glob Chang Biol'},
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'unstructured': 'Abnizova A, Siemens J, Langer M, Boike J (2012) Small ponds with major impact: the relevance of ponds and lakes in permafrost landscapes to carbon dioxide emissions. Glob Biogeochem Cycles 26(2):GB2041. \n',
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'journal-title': 'Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol'},
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'journal-title': 'Permafr Periglac Process'},
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{'issue': '16',
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'author': 'CD Arp',
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'unstructured': 'Boike J, Wille C, Abnizova A (2008) Climatology and summer energy and water balance of polygonal tundra in the Lena River Delta, Siberia. J Geophys Res 113(G3). \n',
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'journal-title': 'Glob Chang Biol'},
{'key': '5_CR62',
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{'key': '5_CR72',
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{'key': '5_CR93',
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'author': 'NT Jorgenson',
'year': '2015',
'unstructured': 'Jorgenson NT, Kanevsky M, Shur Y, Moskalenko N, Brown DRN, Wickland K, Striegl R, Koch J (2015) Role of ground ice dynamics and ecological feedbacks in recent ice wedge degradation and stabilization. J Geophys Res Earth Surf 120:2280–2297. \n',
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'unstructured': 'Lipson DA, Zona D, Raab TK, Bozzolo F, Mauritz M, Oechel W (2012) Water-table height and microtopography control biogeochemical cycling in an Arctic coastal tundra ecosystem. Biogeosciences 9(1):577–591',
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'unstructured': 'McGuire AD, Lawrence DM, Koven C, Clein JS, Burke E, Chen G, Jafarov E, MacDougall AH, Marchenko S, Nicolsky D (2018) Dependence of the evolution of carbon dynamics in the northern permafrost region on the trajectory of climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences:201719903',
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'author': 'LJ Plug',
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{'issue': '17',
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'volume': '6',
'author': 'SH Zinder',
'year': '1990',
'unstructured': 'Zinder SH (1990) Conversion of acetic acid to methane by thermophiles. FEMS Microbiol Rev 6(2–3):125–137',
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{'issue': '2',
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'unstructured': 'Zona D, Oechel W, Kochendorfer J, Paw U, Salyuk A, Olivas P, Oberbauer S, Lipson D (2009) Methane fluxes during the initiation of a large-scale water table manipulation experiment in the Alaskan Arctic tundra. Glob Biogeochem Cycles 23(2):GB2013. \n',
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'reference': [{'key': '10.1002/ppp.464-BIB1',
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'unstructured': '1982. Influence of short-term climatic fluctuations on permafrost terrain. In Carbon Dioxide Effects Research and Assessment Program, DOE/EV10019-02, v. 2, pt. 3; US Department of Energy: Washington, DC.',
'volume-title': 'Carbon Dioxide Effects Research and Assessment Program'},
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'unstructured': '1991. Investigation of borehole temperature data for recent climate changes: examples from Alaskan Arctic and Antarctica. In Proceedings of the International Conference on the Role of Polar Regions in Global Change, June 11-15, 1990, vol. 2. Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska: Fairbanks, AK; 533.'},
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'volume': '4',
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'unstructured': '1983. Evidence for recent permafrost warming in Alaska. In Final Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Permafrost, Fairbanks, AK, July 18-23, 1983. National Academy of Sciences Press: Washington, DC; 576.',
'volume-title': 'Final Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Permafrost, Fairbanks, AK, July 18-23'},
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'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref'},
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{'key': '10.1002/ppp.464-BIB15',
'author': 'Muller',
'year': '1947',
'unstructured': '1947. Permafrost or Permanently Frozen Ground and Related Engineering Problems. U.S. Engineers Office, Strategic Engineering Study, Special Report 62.'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.464-BIB16',
'author': 'Osterkamp',
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'unstructured': '1982. Potential impact of a warmer climate on permafrost in Alaska. In Proceedings of the Conference on the Potential Effects of Carbon Dioxide Induced Climatic Change in Alaska, April 7-8, 1982, Miscellaneous Publication 83-1, (ed.). School of Agriculture and Land Resources Management, University of Alaska: Fairbanks, AK; 106-113.',
'volume-title': 'Proceedings of the Conference on the Potential Effects of Carbon Dioxide Induced Climatic Change in Alaska, April 7-8, 1982, Miscellaneous Publication 83-1'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.464-BIB17',
'author': 'Osterkamp',
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{'key': '10.1002/ppp.464-BIB18',
'author': 'Osterkamp',
'year': '1985',
'unstructured': '1985. Temperature Measurements in Permafrost. Report No. FHWA-AK-RD-Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Fairbanks, AK.'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.464-BIB19',
'author': 'Osterkamp',
'year': '1988',
'unstructured': "1988. The ?health? of Alaska's permafrost. In Proceedings of the Alaska Scientific Conference, AAAS-Arctic Div., Oct. 6-8, 1988. University of Alaska: Fairbanks, AK.",
'volume-title': 'Proceedings of the Alaska Scientific Conference, AAAS-Arctic Div., Oct. 6-8, 1988'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.464-BIB20',
'author': 'Osterkamp',
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'unstructured': '2001. Subsea Permafrost. Chapter in Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, and (eds), Academic Press: London; 2902-2912.',
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{'key': '10.1002/ppp.464-BIB23',
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'unstructured': '2003. A thermal history of permafrost in Alaska. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Permafrost, July 21-25, 2003, Zurich, Switzerland. Balkema Publishers: Lisse; 863-868.',
'volume-title': 'Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Permafrost, July 21-25, 2003, Zurich, Switzerland'},
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'first-page': '497',
'volume-title': 'Environmental Assessment of the Alaskan Continental Shelf, Annual Reports',
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'author': 'Osterkamp',
'year': '1980',
'unstructured': '1980. Subsea permafrost: probing, thermal regime and data analysis. In Environmental Assessment of the Alaskan Continental Shelf, Annual Reports, Vol. 4. National Oceans and Atmospheres Administration, Environmental Research Laboratory: Boulder, CO; 497-677.'},
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'author': 'Osterkamp',
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'volume-title': 'Proceedings of the 4th Canadian Permafrost Conference, March 2-6, 1981, Roger J.E. Brown Memorial Volume'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.464-BIB26',
'author': 'Osterkamp',
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'author': 'Osterkamp',
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'author': 'Petersen',
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'unstructured': '1984. Well logging in permafrost. Paper presented at the Workshop on Permafrost Geophysics, Golden, Colorado, October 23-24, 1984, extended abstract in Special Report 85-5, U.S. Army CRREL, Hanover, NH.'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.464-BIB33',
'author': 'Péwé',
'year': '1982',
'unstructured': '1982. Geologic hazards of the Fairbanks area, Alaska. Special Report 15. Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, College, Alaska.'},
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'year': '2003',
'unstructured': '2003. Spatial and temporal variations in the active layer and near-surface permafrost temperatures in Northern Alaska. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Permafrost, July 21-25, 2003, Zurich, Switzerland. Balkema Publishers: Lisse; 989-994.',
'volume-title': 'Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Permafrost, July 21-25, 2003, Zurich, Switzerland'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.464-BIB38',
'author': 'Smith',
'year': '2001',
'unstructured': '2001. Response of the active layer and permafrost temperatures to warming during 1998 in the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories and at Canadian Forces Station Alert and Baker Lake, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research, 2001-E5.'},
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'unstructured': '. 2000. Permafrost mapping in the Tibet plateau using polarimetric SAR. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. vol. 5, 2024–2026.'},
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'unstructured': ', , . 2003. Frozen ground deformation monitoring using SAR interferometry. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. vol. 4, 2933–2935.'},
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'unstructured': '. 1999. Detection of winter frost heaving of the active layer of Arctic permafrost using SAR differential interferograms. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. vol. 4, 1946–1948.'},
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'first-page': '59',
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'journal-title': 'Catena Supplement'}],
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'language': 'en',
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'score': 15.334935,
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'short-container-title': ['Permafrost Periglac. Process.'],
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'type': 'journal-article',
'created': {'date-parts': [[2007, 2, 5]],
'date-time': '2007-02-05T19:46:53Z',
'timestamp': 1170704813000},
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'source': 'Crossref',
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'prefix': '10.1002',
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'sequence': 'first',
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'reference': [{'key': '10.1002/ppp.3430040203-BIB1',
'author': 'Anisimov',
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'journal-title': 'Meteoroliia i gidrologiia'},
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'author': 'Balobaev',
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'unstructured': 'and (1983). Changes in the permafrost zone caused by climatic changes and human activity. In Problemy geokriologii (in Russian). Nauka, Moscow, pp. 184–194.',
'volume-title': 'Problemy geokriologii (in Russian)'},
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'volume': '10',
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'year': '1988',
'journal-title': 'Meteorologiia i klimatologiia'},
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'first-page': '120',
'year': '1973',
'unstructured': '(1973) Climate of Central Yakutia (in Russian). Yakutknogoizdat, Yakutsk, 120 pp.',
'volume-title': 'Climate of Central Yakutia (in Russian)'},
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'first-page': '12',
'year': '1974',
'unstructured': "(1974) Climatic factors in the formation and dynamics of permafrost. In Geokriologicheskiie usloviia Mongol'skoi Narodnoi Respubliki (in Russian). Nauka, Moscow, pp. 12–29.",
'volume-title': "Geokriologicheskiie usloviia Mongol'skoi Narodnoi Respubliki (in Russian)"},
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'unstructured': "(1977). Microclimatologists in the BAM area. In Chelovek i stikhiia' 78 (in Russian). Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, pp. 40–41.",
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'first-page': '214',
'year': '1978',
'unstructured': '(1978). Climate and Perennial Freezing of Rocks (in Russian). Nauka, Novosibirsk, 214 pp.',
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{'key': '10.1002/ppp.3430040203-BIB8',
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'first-page': '113',
'year': '1981',
'unstructured': '(1981). Present Climate and Permafrost on the Continents (in Russian). Nauka, Novosibirsk, 113 pp.',
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'volume': '7',
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'year': '1984',
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'unstructured': '(1987). Analysis of changes in natural-climatic conditions in Yakutia to the beginning of the next century. In Prirodnye usloviia osvaevaemykh reginov Sibiri (in Russian). Permafrost Institute SB AS, Yakutsk, pp. 146–159.',
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'year': '1988a',
'unstructured': '(1988a). Permafrost-climatic characteristics of different classes. In Permafrost 5th International Conference Proceedings, 2–5 August 1988, Trondheim, Norway. Tapir. Vol. 1, pp. 78–83.'},
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'first-page': '77',
'year': '1988b',
'unstructured': "(1988b). When did the cooling start in Yakutia? In Chelovek i stikhiia' 89 (in Russian). Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, pp. 77–78.",
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'unstructured': '(ed.) (1972) World Agroclimatic Atlas (in Russian). Glavnoye upravlenie geodezii i kartografii, Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow-Leningrad, 184 pp.',
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'first-page': '88',
'year': '1985',
'unstructured': '(1985). Cryolithology and absolute dating of permafrost in Yakutia. In Metody rekonstruktsii paleoklimatov (in Russian). Nauka, Moscow, pp. 88–91.',
'volume-title': 'Metody rekonstruktsii paleoklimatov (in Russian)'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.3430040203-BIB15',
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'volume': '108',
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'year': '1956',
'journal-title': 'Dokl. AS USSR'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.3430040203-BIB16',
'author': 'Nauka',
'first-page': '292',
'year': '1974',
'unstructured': '(1974). General Geocryology (in Russian). Nauka, Novosibirsk, 292 pp.',
'volume-title': 'General Geocryology (in Russian)'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.3430040203-BIB17',
'author': 'Priesnitz',
'year': '1978',
'unstructured': 'and (1978). An approach to the ecology of permafrost in Central Iceland. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Permafrost, 10–13 July 1978, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. NRC, Ottawa. Vol. 1, pp. 473–479.'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.3430040203-BIB18',
'author': 'Rubinstein',
'first-page': '268',
'year': '1966',
'unstructured': 'and (1966). Present Climatic Changes (in Russian). Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, 268 pp.',
'volume-title': 'Present Climatic Changes (in Russian)'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.3430040203-BIB19',
'author': 'Sinitsyn',
'first-page': '248',
'year': '1980',
'unstructured': '(1980). Introduction to Palaeoclimatic Studies (in Russian). 2nd edn, Nedra, Leningrad, 248 pp.',
'volume-title': 'Introduction to Palaeoclimatic Studies (in Russian)'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.3430040203-BIB20',
'author': 'Tarling',
'first-page': '16',
'year': '1980',
'unstructured': '(1980). Geology and geophysics of glaciations. In Ismenenie klimata (Russian translation from English). Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, pp. 16–44.',
'volume-title': 'Ismenenie klimata'},
{'key': '10.1002/ppp.3430040203-BIB21',
'author': 'Velichko',
'first-page': '256',
'year': '1973',
'unstructured': '(1973). Natural Processes in the Pleistocene (in Russian). Nauka, Moscow, 256 pp.',
'volume-title': 'Natural Processes in the Pleistocene (in Russian)'}],
'container-title': ['Permafrost and Periglacial Processes'],
'language': 'en',
'link': [{'URL': '',
'content-type': 'unspecified',
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{'URL': '',
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'intended-application': 'similarity-checking'}],
'deposited': {'date-parts': [[2018, 8, 4]],
'date-time': '2018-08-04T20:55:53Z',
'timestamp': 1533416153000},
'score': 15.334935,
'issued': {'date-parts': [[1993, 4]]},
'references-count': 21,
'journal-issue': {'published-print': {'date-parts': [[1993, 4]]},
'issue': '2'},
'URL': '',
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'issn-type': [{'value': '1045-6740', 'type': 'print'},
{'value': '1099-1530', 'type': 'electronic'}]}]
Above, we can see that the items
contains the majority of information about our query on permafrost. It contains a list of all of the results - we can check this with the type
command we used earlier. Since we only are looking at the first page, our items list has only 20 items in it.
Creating Tables#
When our data exists in dictionaries, it’s a little hard to explore and manipulate. In order to tackle this, we’ll create a dataframe of the information so that we can access it more easily.
df_permafrost = pd.DataFrame(permafrost['message']['items'])
df_permafrost.head() # show the first 5 rows
indexed | reference-count | publisher | issue | license | content-domain | short-container-title | DOI | type | created | ... | subject | publisher-location | isbn-type | published-print | update-policy | ISBN | assertion | short-title | subtitle | archive | |
0 | {'date-parts': [[2020, 4, 15]], 'date-time': '... | 18 | Wiley | 2 | [{'URL': ' | {'domain': [], 'crossmark-restriction': False} | [Permafrost Periglac. Process.] | 10.1002/ppp.695 | journal-article | {'date-parts': [[2010, 6, 8]], 'date-time': '2... | ... | [Earth-Surface Processes] | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
1 | {'date-parts': [[2020, 6, 9]], 'date-time': '2... | 308 | Springer International Publishing | NaN | [{'URL': '', 'start... | {'domain': [''], 'crossmark-r... | NaN | 10.1007/978-3-030-31379-1_5 | book-chapter | {'date-parts': [[2020, 1, 1]], 'date-time': '2... | ... | NaN | Cham | [{'value': '9783030313784', 'type': 'print'}, ... | {'date-parts': [[2020]]} | | [9783030313784, 9783030313791] | [{'value': '2 January 2020', 'order': 1, 'name... | NaN | NaN | NaN |
2 | {'date-parts': [[2020, 4, 10]], 'date-time': '... | 0 | Wiley | NaN | NaN | {'domain': [], 'crossmark-restriction': False} | NaN | 10.1002/(issn)1099-1530 | journal | {'date-parts': [[2006, 3, 21]], 'date-time': '... | ... | [Earth-Surface Processes] | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | [Permafrost Periglac. Process.] | NaN | NaN |
3 | {'date-parts': [[2020, 4, 8]], 'date-time': '2... | 47 | Wiley | 4 | [{'URL': ' | {'domain': [], 'crossmark-restriction': False} | [Permafrost Periglac. Process.] | 10.1002/ppp.464 | journal-article | {'date-parts': [[2003, 12, 19]], 'date-time': ... | ... | [Earth-Surface Processes] | NaN | NaN | {'date-parts': [[2003, 10]]} | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
4 | {'date-parts': [[2020, 4, 15]], 'date-time': '... | 2 | Wiley | 4 | [{'URL': ' | {'domain': [], 'crossmark-restriction': False} | [Permafrost Periglac. Process.] | 10.1002/ppp.711 | journal-article | {'date-parts': [[2010, 12, 30]], 'date-time': ... | ... | [Earth-Surface Processes] | NaN | NaN | {'date-parts': [[2010, 10]]} | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
5 rows × 42 columns
There are a bunch of columns in our table, and we can’t see all of them by scrolling. Below, we can look at a list of the columns instead.
Index(['indexed', 'reference-count', 'publisher', 'issue', 'license',
'content-domain', 'short-container-title', 'DOI', 'type', 'created',
'page', 'source', 'is-referenced-by-count', 'title', 'prefix', 'volume',
'author', 'member', 'published-online', 'reference', 'container-title',
'language', 'link', 'deposited', 'score', 'issued', 'references-count',
'journal-issue', 'URL', 'relation', 'ISSN', 'issn-type', 'subject',
'publisher-location', 'isbn-type', 'published-print', 'update-policy',
'ISBN', 'assertion', 'short-title', 'subtitle', 'archive'],
Container-title seems to stand in for Journal Title. Let’s look at what’s in the container title column:
journal_titles = df_permafrost['container-title']
0 [Permafrost and Periglacial Processes]
1 [Thawing Permafrost]
2 NaN
3 [Permafrost and Periglacial Processes]
4 [Permafrost and Periglacial Processes]
5 [Permafrost and Periglacial Processes]
6 [Permafrost and Periglacial Processes]
7 [Permafrost and Periglacial Processes]
8 [Permafrost and Periglacial Processes]
9 [Permafrost and Periglacial Processes]
10 [Permafrost and Periglacial Processes]
11 [Permafrost and Periglacial Processes]
12 [Permafrost and Periglacial Processes]
13 [Permafrost and Periglacial Processes]
14 [Permafrost and Periglacial Processes]
15 [Permafrost and Periglacial Processes]
16 [Permafrost and Periglacial Processes]
17 [Permafrost and Periglacial Processes]
18 [Permafrost and Periglacial Processes]
19 [Permafrost and Periglacial Processes]
Name: container-title, dtype: object
We can do the same for the publisher column.
0 Wiley
1 Springer International Publishing
2 Wiley
3 Wiley
4 Wiley
5 Wiley
6 Wiley
7 Wiley
8 Wiley
9 Wiley
10 Wiley
11 Wiley
12 Wiley
13 Wiley
14 Wiley
15 Wiley
16 Wiley
17 Wiley
18 Wiley
19 Wiley
Name: publisher, dtype: object
Data Retrieval#
We want to be able to retrieve more data from CrossRef. A single CrossRef query can return up to 1,000 results, and since our query has over 42,000 total results, we would need to make 43 queries. Remember at the beginning, we only had 20 results since we only grabbed the first page. The CrossRef API permits fetching results from multiple pages, so by setting cursor
to *
and cursor_max
to 1000 we can grab 1000 queries at once. Querying all 42,000 results would take a long time, so for the purposes of this demonstration we are only using 1000. If you have more time, you could query more results, but be aware that it will take a long time.
# this cell will take a while to run
cr_permafrost ="permafrost", cursor = "*", cursor_max = 1000, progress_bar = True, sort="score", order="desc")
100%|██████████| 49/49 [00:52<00:00, 1.07s/it]
We can check that we have the 1,000 messages, and indeed we do.
sum([len(k['message']['items']) for k in cr_permafrost])
Remember before, when you created your own search query? Here, we’ll go through a few steps to get more results for your query. First, we’ll check how many total results your query has. Run the cell below to find out.
If there are fewer than 1000 results, then set cursor_max
to the number of results. If there are more than 1000 results, set cursor_max
to 1000 so that the code won’t take too long to run. Be sure to fill in query
with the same search term you used earlier.
#Your example
#query1 ="queryname", cursor = "*", cursor_max = 1000, progress_bar = True, sort="score", order="desc")
In order to get all of the different results from our permafrost query, we need to extract them from cr_permafrost
. Below, we create a list where each element is one result. cr_permafrost
is a list consisting of pages, where we have 20 results per page. So cr_permafrost
has 50 pages of 20 results each, giving us our 1000 results. In order to extract the info and have a list with each element be one results, we need to do some data manipulation.
#Confirm the number of pages
In the cell below, we have 2 list comprehensions to get the results from our query. The first one creates a length 50 list that contains only the items instead of the entire dictionary, for each of the 50 pages. The second list comprehension extracts all of the items from the nested lists so that we have a single 1000 item list where each element is one result.
permafrost_items = [k['message']['items'] for k in cr_permafrost] # get items for all pages
permafrost_items = [item for sublist in permafrost_items for item in sublist] # restructure list
We’ll do the same for your query results so that you can have some fun plotting later in the notebook. Just uncomment and run the cell below.
#query_items = [k['message']['items'] for k in query1] # get items for all pages
#query_items = [item for sublist in query_items for item in sublist] # restructure list
More on Searches#
You may be curious about the
function that we’ve been using to get our data. This is the function that processes your topical “search”. There are different arguments, and we’ve seen how changing these arguments can help us get more search results than just the first 20.
Also, before we asked you to limit your search term to a single word. This is not a hard restriction - we simply did this for simplicity. You can query terms that are more specific and include more words - try it out below! Keep in mind that the more specific your search query, the fewer results you may see. Feel free to play around with it.
longerquery = = 'labrador retriever')
Visualization is an important part of data analysis. Rather than looking at dictionaries and dataframes, we can see a visual summary of our data. In this section, we’ll go over different types of visualizations we can make based off of the different data we have. We’ll start by looking at the publishers. But first, we need to do some wrangling to get the data in a form that’s useful for us.
Grouping and Sorting by Journal#
In an earlier section, we took our query results and converted them from a dictionary to a dataframe. Below, we will do this for our list of 1000 permafrost_items
, and then we can use the dataframe methods of grouping and sorting to get the counts of articles published by each publisher. We can also group by other columns, such as type
or language
In the cell below, we create a dataframe containing all 1000 of our permafrost query results.
permafrost_df = pd.DataFrame(permafrost_items)
indexed | reference-count | publisher | issue | content-domain | short-container-title | published-print | DOI | type | created | ... | event | institution | accepted | update-to | review | edition-number | original-title | chair | approved | degree | |
0 | {'date-parts': [[2019, 11, 20]], 'date-time': ... | 0 | Informa UK Limited | 3 | {'domain': [], 'crossmark-restriction': False} | [Geografiska Annaler. Series A, Physical Geogr... | {'date-parts': [[1986]]} | 10.2307/521451 | journal-article | {'date-parts': [[2006, 7, 5]], 'date-time': '2... | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
1 | {'date-parts': [[2019, 11, 20]], 'date-time': ... | 0 | Informa UK Limited | 3 | {'domain': [], 'crossmark-restriction': False} | [Geografiska Annaler. Series A, Physical Geogr... | {'date-parts': [[1986]]} | 10.2307/521452 | journal-article | {'date-parts': [[2006, 7, 5]], 'date-time': '2... | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
2 | {'date-parts': [[2019, 12, 1]], 'date-time': '... | 0 | Informa UK Limited | 2 | {'domain': [], 'crossmark-restriction': False} | [Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journ... | {'date-parts': [[2005, 6]]} | 10.1080/00291950510038403 | journal-article | {'date-parts': [[2005, 9, 6]], 'date-time': '2... | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
3 | {'date-parts': [[2019, 12, 1]], 'date-time': '... | 34 | Informa UK Limited | 2 | {'domain': [], 'crossmark-restriction': False} | [Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journ... | {'date-parts': [[2005, 6]]} | 10.1080/00291950510020664 | journal-article | {'date-parts': [[2005, 9, 6]], 'date-time': '2... | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
4 | {'date-parts': [[2019, 12, 1]], 'date-time': '... | 53 | Informa UK Limited | 2 | {'domain': [], 'crossmark-restriction': False} | [Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journ... | {'date-parts': [[2005, 6]]} | 10.1080/00291950510038377 | journal-article | {'date-parts': [[2005, 9, 6]], 'date-time': '2... | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
5 | {'date-parts': [[2019, 12, 1]], 'date-time': '... | 22 | Informa UK Limited | 2 | {'domain': [], 'crossmark-restriction': False} | [Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journ... | {'date-parts': [[2005, 6]]} | 10.1080/00291950510020592 | journal-article | {'date-parts': [[2005, 9, 6]], 'date-time': '2... | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
6 | {'date-parts': [[2019, 12, 1]], 'date-time': '... | 39 | Informa UK Limited | 2 | {'domain': [], 'crossmark-restriction': False} | [Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journ... | {'date-parts': [[2005, 6]]} | 10.1080/00291950510038395 | journal-article | {'date-parts': [[2005, 9, 6]], 'date-time': '2... | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
7 | {'date-parts': [[2019, 12, 19]], 'date-time': ... | 0 | Kluwer Academic Publishers | NaN | {'domain': [], 'crossmark-restriction': False} | NaN | NaN | 10.1007/1-4020-4513-1_170 | book-chapter | {'date-parts': [[2006, 2, 13]], 'date-time': '... | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
8 | {'date-parts': [[2019, 12, 24]], 'date-time': ... | 0 | PeerJ | NaN | {'domain': [], 'crossmark-restriction': False} | NaN | NaN | 10.7287/peerj.preprints.27119 | posted-content | {'date-parts': [[2018, 8, 15]], 'date-time': '... | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
9 | {'date-parts': [[2020, 1, 1]], 'date-time': '2... | 88 | Wiley | 2 | {'domain': [], 'crossmark-restriction': False} | [Permafrost Periglac. Process.] | {'date-parts': [[1993, 4]]} | 10.1002/ppp.3430040205 | journal-article | {'date-parts': [[2007, 2, 5]], 'date-time': '2... | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
10 rows × 59 columns
While we are at it, we’ll convert your search query items into a data frame as well. Adapt the code in the cell to create a dataframe out of your query_items
# example
#query_df = pd.DataFrame(query_items)
We can take the value_count to determine the number of times a given journal or work appears in our results. This will help us determine where research on our topic is commonly published.
journal = permafrost_df['container-title'].str[0].value_counts().rename_axis('titles').reset_index(name='counts')
titles | counts | |
0 | Permafrost and Periglacial Processes | 132 |
1 | Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences | 61 |
2 | Canadian Geotechnical Journal | 57 |
3 | Cold Regions Science and Technology | 26 |
4 | Cold Regions Engineering 2019 | 24 |
... | ... | ... |
300 | Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering | 1 |
301 | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering | 1 |
302 | Journal of Quaternary Science | 1 |
303 | Ecology. Economy. Informatics. System analysis... | 1 |
304 | Fall Meeting of the Society of Petroleum Engin... | 1 |
305 rows × 2 columns
#Try repeating this for your query to see the top 20 titles.
#query_journals = query_df['container-title'].str[0].value_counts().rename_axis('titles').reset_index(name='counts')
The journal
dataframe above shows us that we have about 300 different titles, and a lot of them published only a few articles. The journal that appears most often published about 130 articles on our topic.
Bar Charts#
Now that we have a sorted dataframe with journal titles and the number of articles they each published on permafrost, we can use this dataframe to plot the journals with the 10 highest counts.
permafrost_journals_top10 = journal.head(10) # get first 10 publishers
plt.figure(figsize=(20,8)) # set figure size
# create bar plot with publishers and counts['titles'], permafrost_journals_top10['counts'])
# rotate publisher names for readability
plt.xticks(permafrost_journals_top10['titles'], rotation='vertical', fontsize = 20)
# labeling
plt.title('Journals that publish permafrost Articles', fontsize = 20) # set title
plt.xlabel('Journal Title', fontsize = 20) # set x label
plt.ylabel('Number of articles', fontsize = 20); # set y label

Before, we grouped by journal title. Keep in mind that we can group by other tags as well, such as type of article (type
) or the language the article was published in (language
). In the cell below, we use another method to group by either type
or language
and plot the resulting bar chart. Remember to sort your dataframe as well.
# types
permafrost_type_counts = permafrost_df.groupby('type').count()['indexed'].reset_index()
permafrost_type_counts = permafrost_type_counts.rename({'indexed':'count'}, axis = 1) # rename counts column
sorted_permafrost_type_counts = permafrost_type_counts.sort_values(by='count', ascending = False)
type | count | |
5 | journal-article | 775 |
9 | posted-content | 71 |
10 | proceedings-article | 63 |
0 | book-chapter | 36 |
4 | dissertation | 18 |
11 | report | 17 |
6 | journal-issue | 10 |
1 | book-part | 3 |
8 | peer-review | 3 |
7 | other | 2 |
2 | component | 1 |
3 | dataset | 1 |
# types
plt.figure(figsize=(20,8)) # set figure size
# create bar plot with publishers and counts['type'], sorted_permafrost_type_counts['count'])
# rotate publisher names for readability
plt.xticks(sorted_permafrost_type_counts['type'], rotation='vertical', fontsize = 20)
# labeling
plt.title('Types of permafrost Published Works', fontsize = 20) # set title
plt.xlabel('Type', fontsize = 20) # set x label
plt.ylabel('Number of articles', fontsize = 20); # set y label

If you’d like, you can use the cells below to create bar charts of publisher
, language
, or type
for your own query by grouping and sorting your query_df
dataframe! Feel free to reference the cells above for an example with permafrost_df
# fill in the ...
#counts = permafrost_df.groupby('...').count()['indexed'].reset_index()
#counts = counts.rename({'indexed':'count'}, axis = 1) # rename counts column
#sorted_counts = counts.sort_values(by='count', ascending = False)
# fill in the ...
#plt.figure(figsize=(20,8)) # set figure size
# create bar plot['...'], sorted_counts['count'])
# rotate labels for readability
#plt.xticks(sorted_counts['...'], rotation='vertical', fontsize = 20)
# labeling
#plt.title('...', fontsize = 20) # set title
#plt.xlabel('...', fontsize = 20) # set x label
#plt.ylabel('...', fontsize = 20); # set y label
In scientific literature, we are often also interested in the number of references a journal article has, or the number of times the article was cited. Let’s see which articles have been cited the most - we can do this by sorting our dataframe by the is-referenced-by-count
column. Our dataframe has 45 columns, but we’ll just focus on a few. We’ll look at the title
, is-referenced-by-count
, publisher
, and published-print
(the date it was published in print).
most_cited = permafrost_df.sort_values('is-referenced-by-count', ascending=False)
most_cited = most_cited[['title', 'is-referenced-by-count', 'container-title', 'published-print', 'DOI']]
title | is-referenced-by-count | container-title | published-print | DOI | |
634 | [Thermal response of the active layer to clima... | 141 | [Cold Regions Science and Technology] | {'date-parts': [[1991, 5]]} | 10.1016/0165-232x(91)90002-x |
602 | [Microclimatic Influences on Ground Temperatur... | 137 | [Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences] | {'date-parts': [[1975, 8, 1]]} | 10.1139/e75-129 |
625 | [Importance of permafrost as a source of water... | 131 | [Ecological Research] | {'date-parts': [[2002, 7]]} | 10.1046/j.1440-1703.2002.00506.x |
745 | [Cyclic Development of Permafrost in the Peatl... | 126 | [Arctic and Alpine Research] | {'date-parts': [[1993, 8]]} | 10.2307/1551820 |
744 | [Small-scale polygonal features on Mars: Seaso... | 126 | [Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets] | {'date-parts': [[1997, 11, 25]]} | 10.1029/97je02582 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
804 | NaN | 0 | [Permafrost and Periglacial Processes] | {'date-parts': [[2018, 7]]} | 10.1002/ppp.v29.3 |
803 | [Permafrost thaw increases methylmercury forma... | 0 | NaN | NaN | 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-18536 |
802 | [Modelling of hydrological processes in snowme... | 0 | [International Journal of Hydrology Science an... | {'date-parts': [[2018]]} | 10.1504/ijhst.2018.093598 |
801 | [Towards a benchmark mechanical model for warm... | 0 | NaN | NaN | 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-17616 |
851 | [Radiocarbon dating of permafrost in Bely Isla... | 0 | [Криосфера Земли] | {'date-parts': [[2018]]} | 10.21782/kz1560-7496-2018-4(3-14) |
1000 rows × 5 columns
Let’s look at the top 10 most cited articles.
title | is-referenced-by-count | container-title | published-print | DOI | |
634 | [Thermal response of the active layer to clima... | 141 | [Cold Regions Science and Technology] | {'date-parts': [[1991, 5]]} | 10.1016/0165-232x(91)90002-x |
602 | [Microclimatic Influences on Ground Temperatur... | 137 | [Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences] | {'date-parts': [[1975, 8, 1]]} | 10.1139/e75-129 |
625 | [Importance of permafrost as a source of water... | 131 | [Ecological Research] | {'date-parts': [[2002, 7]]} | 10.1046/j.1440-1703.2002.00506.x |
745 | [Cyclic Development of Permafrost in the Peatl... | 126 | [Arctic and Alpine Research] | {'date-parts': [[1993, 8]]} | 10.2307/1551820 |
744 | [Small-scale polygonal features on Mars: Seaso... | 126 | [Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets] | {'date-parts': [[1997, 11, 25]]} | 10.1029/97je02582 |
594 | [Thawing of the Active Layer on the Coastal Pl... | 126 | [Permafrost and Periglacial Processes] | {'date-parts': [[1997, 1]]} | 10.1002/(sici)1099-1530(199701)8:1<1::aid-ppp2... |
376 | [Importance of Cryoturbation in Redistributing... | 109 | [Soil Science Society of America Journal] | {'date-parts': [[2007, 7]]} | 10.2136/sssaj2006.0414n |
276 | [Permafrost monitoring and detection of climat... | 107 | [Permafrost and Periglacial Processes] | {'date-parts': [[1996, 10]]} | 10.1002/(sici)1099-1530(199610)7:4<301::aid-pp... |
9 | [Permafrost changes in Europe during the last ... | 107 | [Permafrost and Periglacial Processes] | {'date-parts': [[1993, 4]]} | 10.1002/ppp.3430040205 |
412 | [Integrating peatlands and permafrost into a d... | 105 | [Global Biogeochemical Cycles] | {'date-parts': [[2009, 9]]} | 10.1029/2008gb003413 |
What is the most cited article, and when was it published? Do you think the date it was published has an effect on the number of times the article was referenced?
Replace this line with your answer
Visualizing the Number of Citations#
When looking at our most_cited
table, we can see that the most number of times an article was referenced was 181, and the least was 0. Using a type of visualization called a histogram, we can look at the distribution of time an article was referenced. We’ll do this in the cell below.
plt.hist(most_cited['is-referenced-by-count'], bins = 30) # generate histogram
# labeling
plt.title('Distribution of Number of Times Cited for Permafrost Articles') # set title
plt.xlabel('Number of Times Cited') # set x label
plt.ylabel('Count'); # set y label

We can see that this histogram is very skewed, with the majority of articles being cited fewer than 50 times. We can adjust the bins in order to see a better distribution, by specifying the sizes of the bins.
plt.hist(most_cited['is-referenced-by-count'], bins = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]) # generate histogram
# labeling
plt.title('Distribution of Number of Times Cited for Permafrost Articles') # set title
plt.xticks([0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100], [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, '100+']) # set x axis tickmarks
plt.xlabel('Number of Times Cited') # set x label
plt.ylabel('Count'); # set y label

In the cells below, we’ve provided code to look at the number of times each article was cited for your query_df
. In the following cell, try applying what you’ve just used to find the most cited article, the date it was published, and create a histogram showing the distribution for all articles.
#your example
#your_most_cited = query_df.sort_values('is-referenced-by-count', ascending=False)
#your_most_cited = your_most_cited[['title', 'is-referenced-by-count', 'container-title', 'published-print', 'DOI']]
# fill in the ...
#plt.hist(...['is-referenced-by-count'], bins = ...) # generate histogram
# labeling
#plt.title('...') # set title
#plt.xlabel('...') # set x label
#plt.ylabel('...'); # set y label
Queries Over Time#
For our final visualization, we will look at 2 queries over time. To expand our searches to 2 words, we will look at queries for permafrost melt and arctic methane, and look at the number of articles that were published by year. Since running queries takes a long time, and ideally we want to have more years to compare over time, we pre-ran the queries and saved the results into a csv which we’ll load in the cell below.
The following 8 cells show the code we used to generate the csv files.
cr_permafrost ="permafrost melt", cursor = "*", cursor_max = 5000, progress_bar = True, sort="score", order="desc")
100%|██████████| 249/249 [03:51<00:00, 1.08it/s]
permafrost_items = [k['message']['items'] for k in cr_permafrost] # get items for all pages
permafrost_items = [item for sublist in permafrost_items for item in sublist] # restructure list
permafrost_df = pd.DataFrame(permafrost_items)
cr_arctic ="arctic methane", cursor = "*", cursor_max = 5000, progress_bar = True, sort="score", order="desc")
100%|██████████| 249/249 [03:42<00:00, 1.12it/s]
arctic_items = [k['message']['items'] for k in cr_arctic] # get items for all pages
arctic_items = [item for sublist in arctic_items for item in sublist] # restructure list
arctic_df = pd.DataFrame(arctic_items)
#cr_query1 ="your first query", cursor = "*", cursor_max = 100, progress_bar = True, sort="score", order="desc")
#query1_items = [k['message']['items'] for k in cr_query1] # get items for all pages
#query1_items = [item for sublist in query1_items for item in sublist] # restructure list
#query1_df = pd.DataFrame(query1_items)
#cr_query2 ="your second query", cursor = "*", cursor_max = 100, progress_bar = True, sort="score", order="desc")
#query2_items = [k['message']['items'] for k in cr_query2] # get items for all pages
#query2_items = [item for sublist in query2_items for item in sublist] # restructure list
#query2_df = pd.DataFrame(query2_items)
Below, we’ll load in our query data and extract the year from the created
column. Since we read in our data from a csv, our created
column got converted to strings instead of dictionaries. We use the function ast.literal_eval()
in order to convert the string back to a dictionary, and then access the year by indexing into date-parts
arctic_df = pd.read_csv('arctic_methane_5000.csv')
permafrost_df = pd.read_csv('permafrost_melt_5000.csv')
#query1_df = pd.read_csv('query1.csv')
#query2_df = pd.read_csv('query2.csv')
arctic_years = [ast.literal_eval(k)['date-parts'][0][0] for k in arctic_df['created']] # extract year
permafrost_years = [ast.literal_eval(k)['date-parts'][0][0] for k in permafrost_df['created']] # extract year
#query1_years = [ast.literal_eval(k)['date-parts'][0][0] for k in query1_df['created']] # extract year
#query2_years = [ast.literal_eval(k)['date-parts'][0][0] for k in query2_df['created']] # extract year
In the cell below, we create a plot comparing the number of articles published for glacier melt and for permafrost melt per year. For year_counts_glacier
and year_counts_permafrost
, we use the python package Counter
to return the counts of articles for each year. We sort by year so that our plot follows sequentially.
year_counts_arctic = dict(sorted((Counter(arctic_years)).items())) # create dictionary of glacier year counts
year_counts_permafrost = dict(sorted((Counter(permafrost_years)).items())) # create dictionary of permafrost year counts
plt.plot(list(year_counts_arctic.keys()),list(year_counts_arctic.values()), label = 'arctic methane')
plt.plot(list(year_counts_permafrost.keys()),list(year_counts_permafrost.values()), label = 'permafrost melt')
#plt.xticks(np.arange(2002, 2019))
plt.title('Number of articles published by year')

Our search results show a spike in articles related to methane in the arctic in 2008 and 2011, and a later set of spikes for articles about permafrost melt between 2016-2019. We would have to dig in a bit more to understand the implications of these peaks, but they do give you a place to start when exploring trending topics.
If you are interested, you could repeat the process of getting queries and edit the above code to compare two search terms that you are interested about.
year_counts_query1 = dict(sorted((Counter(query1_years)).items())) # create dictionary of glacier year counts
year_counts_query2 = dict(sorted((Counter(query2_years)).items())) # create dictionary of permafrost year counts
plt.plot(list(year_counts_query1.keys()),list(year_counts_query1.values()), label = 'query1')
plt.plot(list(year_counts_query2.keys()),list(year_counts_query2.values()), label = 'query2')
#plt.xticks(np.arange(2002, 2019))
plt.title('Number of articles published by year')
Bibliography #
Paul Oldham - Adapted CrossRef R guide to Python.
Notebook originally developed by: Keilyn Yuzuki, Anjali Unnithan
This chapter originated as a Data Science Module: